Assignment 2A: Bug List
1. My upstairs neighbor throws a party every Wednesday night
WHY it exists: Perhaps Wednesday is the only day my neighbors don't have homework due or class the next day so they take advantage of it and decide to have fun in the middle of the week.
2. My upstairs neighbor's dog does not like my dog because my dog is bigger
WHY it exists: The neighbor's dog is a chihuahua who has a big-dog complex and therefore believes it is tougher than it truly is. Despite this big-dog complex, the chihuahua may also be aware that it is small in stature and may bark aggressively to defend itself from other dogs who may seem dangerous because they are bigger.
3. My apartment residence never refills dog poop bags
WHY it exists: Perhaps my residence never refills bags because there are not enough dog-owners in the residence who use the complimentary poop bags featured throughout the complex.
4. The parking and drive-thru situation at the Starbucks on Newberry Road is horrendous because there are only 6 parking spots available, and those spots are usually taken up by the employees.
WHY it exists: Because this Starbucks was built right off the 75 highway, it was designed to mostly service customers taking a detour from the highway and who do not want to get out of their cars.
5. The lack of buses that visit Cabana Beach residence
WHY it exists: Only one bus directly navigates to Cabana Beach because the residence is an inconvenient detour from all other destinations in Gainesville. The residence is far from UF, and it is also squared away in a corner right next to the highway. Also, the road it is next to constantly gets backed up by traffic and this would cause the bus schedule to be delayed.
6.Rude fast food employees
WHY it exists: Some employees do not care enough about their jobs, and express this carelessness onto innocent customers who simply want to order a meal and enjoy good service while doing so.
7. Rude Customers
WHY it exists: Some customers feel that they are superior to fast food employees, therefore feel comfortable berating innocent employees who are simply trying to do their job. Some customers voice their opinions to employees in a distasteful matter, despite the fact that some employees do not have control of company-issued regulations, such as the price of a hamburger. Some customers think that employees do have control of these issues.
8. Having a one-hour discussion class on Monday morning even though all your other classes are scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays and no other time-slot is available for the discussion course.
WHY it exists: Professors acknowledge that students may forget to review course-related material over the weekend for the lecture class on Tuesday and therefore establish a discussion class at the beginning of the week to give students an opportunity to get started for the week ahead of time.
9.When public bathrooms do not offer seat-covers
WHY it exists: Businesses might believe seat covers are a waste of money because people can simply use toilet paper to cover the toilet seat. Also, money is spent on maintenance workers to clean and sanitize bathrooms.
10. Uber drivers who talk to you in the car ride despite one expressing the lack of interest in the conversation
WHY it exists: Uber drivers may believe that if they hold a conversation with their patron and do not have awkward silence then their patron will give them a higher service rating on the app.
11. Guys that rudely stare at girls in the gym
WHY it exists: Guys may find a girl attractive and think that by staring at them then the girl will notice the guy is interested in holding a conversation.
12. More than one final exam on the same day
WHY it exists: Professors do not have control over their student's school schedule and therefore can't accommodate a test date for each and every single one of their students.
13. Mandatory attendance for classes that are powerpoint-based and the professor simply reads off the slides and then posts the powerpoint online.
WHY it exists: Professors require attendance so that students put more effort into the class and stay up-to-date with the class requirements and have a clear understanding of the material.
14. Students who take up an entire booth even though they are only one person and do not take up an entire booth, therefore students studying in groups are forced to move chairs and tables around to fit all together.
WHY it exists: Perhaps students who do this have social anxiety and want to sit comfortably without being forced to sit with other students. Another reason it may exist is because there are not enough booths in the library and everyone loves to sit in booths, so it is a first come first serve basis.
15. Waking up at 6AM to take a half hour bus ride to school only to find out your 8AM class is cancelled and you did not know because the professor did not send an up until 10 minutes before the start of class.
WHY it exists: Perhaps the professor did not have time to write an email ahead of time because they became suddenly ill or they had a family emergency.
16. When drivers honk at cars to move after the traffic light changes and it has only been .3 seconds since it has changed.
WHY it exists: Drivers who honk immediately after the light changes might be in a hurry, or late to work, or have to use the bathroom extremely bad and need the driver ahead to accelerate their pace.
17. Being so short that the sun visor in my car does nothing to protect my eyes from the sun
WHY it exists: I was born too short and most cars do not have sun visor extensions for short people.
18. Not being able to lay on your side and watch TV because your glasses shift due to your head being against the pillow.
WHY it exists: Glasses are made to be taken off and on, therefore are not secured on one's head permanently. This is why they shift when moved.
19. Parents who put a leash on their small kids.
WHY it exists: In crowded areas, parents feel like they might lose sight of their kids and lose them, so in order to keep better view of them, they leash them.
20. Picking up a variety of fruits at the supermarket that aren't ripe and then having them all ripe at the same time, making it impossible to eat them all at once. This results in having them thrown out.
WHY it exists: Supermarkets that provide fruit in bulk don't measure fruit that vary in ripeness. For example, a bag of avocados does not have single avocados that are more ripe than the rest.
Coming up with this list of bugs was not nearly as challenging as I thought it would have been. To make it easier on myself, I took the advice given in the instructional video, and started thinking about each bug a couple days before the assignment. Every day, I encountered a bug. During my drive to work, at work, while walking my dog, while doing homework, etc. One thing I found challenging was explaining why the bug exists. A lot of times, I found myself describing why the bug frustrated or annoyed me, instead of explaining why it exists in the first place. To stop myself from explaining why it bothered me, I had to do a mental switch and think in a very objective way. I also found myself coming up with crazy solutions to each problem, and wanting describe that as well. Overall, I found the assignment fun, as I humored myself a bit with the things I found "bugged" me.