Assignment 19A
All my life I have always wondered what I would grow up to become. Still, I am in the process of figuring that out. However, throughout the years I have come to learn more and more about myself as I experience and partake in different activities that expose me two different things. For a while, I saw myself aaa business owner, or a CEO. However, going to college and exposing myself to different electives has changed the other I want to take in my life. I am now an aspiring lawyer and hope to achieve a fulfilling life doing this work. In recent years, I have exposed myself to law-based environments, where I get glimpses of what life as a lawyer looks like. Doing this kind of work has enamored me with the field, and strengthen the passion I feel in wanting to achieve this kind of life. I am still in the process of discovering what kind of law it is I wish to practice, because while I do want to practice a law that genuinely interests and captures me, I do also want to be financially practical. In terms of my idea, I believe knowing the ind and outs of the way the government works would benefit me in the legal process of business and also aid my business learning process.
The idea I propose is a service. Specifically, this service will be a drive-thru grocery store. The future of commodities has turned into a a big competition for convenience. Which product or service is more convenient. Convenience is exactly what I intend to provide. This service is specifically aimed for people with busy lifestyles who find themselves in need of a faster way to do groceries. Some people opt out of getting groceries because they believe it to be a hassle, and then then to fast food and restaurants to replace meals that can be cooked at home. So not only does this service allow for more convenience, it also promotes a lifestyle that encourages home cooking. More detailedly, the customers I aim to target are parents, because these seem to be the line of people with the most hectic schedules. Between kids, work, chores, and hobbies, parents find themselves juggling a lot. Raising a family is no easy task, and all parents wish to raise their children in a home where homecooked meals are a norm and are prioritized. Nearly every parent with good intentions will see the value in making sure their children receive good, healthy, well-balanced meals. Drive thru grocery stores could tremendously aid the parents who find themselves juggling too much.
I feel like my personality sets me apart from everyone else. I was raised in Puerto Rico and I have developed many traits and personality quirks that I find are unique to the way I was raised and brought up. I love talking about my culture because it makes me feel like I have somewhere that I truly belong. I talk about my business ideas with the same fervor, emotion, and excitement.
I feel like my personality and my interest in a law career mesh very well together. However, I do have doubts about how my career interests may coincide with prospective business ideas. Grocery stores and criminal proceedings do not have much in common, which is where I fear a divide exists.